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Bring on 2022!

It's that time of year again in Ohio and Michigan; time to start thinking about the warmer days, the sun, the water, the fishing, and finally being out on the boat! The weather has us all going crazy; one day mother nature decides to throw a gorgeous 70 degree day at us and the next it's pouring out and on the verge or sleeting from the massive temperature drop. But don't worry, we're getting closer to that precious day... boat launch day! Are you ready?

Here are some before steps to make sure that you don't have a massive TO DO LIST before you can launch...

Check the engine, battery, lights, pumps, distributer, thermostats, cooling system, hoses/cables, fuel system. There are great marine mechanics out there who are fast and efficient with this step if you aren't familiar or if you just don't want to do it yourself. Check your local marina, they're a great help!

Check the outside to make sure there aren't any damages from being stored, accident's happen and they are often simple misses that cause issues while out on the water or at the slip.

Check to make sure that you have all of your safety equipment up to date and on your boat for easy access.

Check your trailer over and make sure it is still sturdy and capable and don't forget to check that trailer lights work properly.

Check your bottom paint this helps protect your boat and this may need to done to help protect against fouling, especially if you keep your boat in the water all season. This doesn't necessarily need to be done each year but it is a good idea to keep an eye on it. A nice buff and wax to help protect the exterior and topside of your vessel is also an option at this time.

Give your boat a thorough clean. This is general maintenance and helps keep your boat looking nice as well as helps keep away corrosion. This process also allows you to check interior wires and inner workings, make sure there's no critters and creepy crawlies hiding out and to prevent them from finding a nice hiding place somewhere (I have stories of cleaning out racoon hideouts, thankfully abandoned at the time, and finding chipmunk nests).

All of these things can be done by you. Take a list with you and check it off as you go. But if you don't feel up to it or if you don't have time, there are great mechanics and detailers available through your local marina. This also saves you time and gives you the opportunity to just jump on your boat when it's launched and enjoy the relaxation on your vessel!

Happy 2022 boating season!


The Nauti Details, LLC


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